Welcome to rocu.de, my personal website.

I tried a lot of hosting options during the over 20 years of it existence. First I manually wrote my own HTML, then came hand-crafted PHP, Wordpress, Ghost, Rails, Jekyll, Micro.blog - just to name a few approaches.

Nowadays, I program so much at work, that I decided to not maintain my own blog anymore.

What you see here is only a public part of my Notion Workspace.

About me

Books read

Countries visited

Photos taken

Imprint + Contact

🖊 Blog

E5 - Arbon - Höchst (Day 2)

E5 - Konstanz - Abron (Day 1)

Our virtual office

Reading set.rb - tipps for working with Ruby sets.

How to prevent a cron job from running multiple times

The most important lesson

A good day

The best things in life are free!

Happiness comes first

The rule of 72

What is financial independence?

Useless thinking

fortune | cowsay