
This is a blog about financial independence. But I never explained what it means.

Being financial independent means, that your decisions are not clouded by thoughts about money.

So in a way being rich has nothing to do with being financially independent - at least not if all you can do is to think about how to get more money.

Earning a heap of money every month has nothing to do with financial independence - at least not if you need all of it to support your style of life.

Living about your means until you are broke has also nothing to do with it. Your decisions will be quite clouded with money after a while.

So being independent is as much about courage as it is about money. It is as much about just living your dream - right now - and not waiting for 30 years earning piles of money in a job you hate.

It is about you taking control of the money. About using it as a tool - not as the main compass for your life.

It is about really thinking about what you want to do with your life. And doing it. And not waiting with it until you are too old.

You may need some money to do it, but for me - it is courage that is missing. The money ist not the problem.

So fuck the money. Time to live the dream right now - not in 10 years. But today.